
Afton Bedroom Updates

With only a month left in my Afton Townhouse, I'm finally getting around to the final touches of my bedroom makeover. Hope you enjoy!

I debated for a long time whether or not to paint my bedroom in my townhouse since it was a rental. My struggle: Was it worth it? I would be moving out in about 4 months {at the time} and I just couldn't decide. Until, I realized the awful color that was on the walls when I moved in was making me miserable so I just went for it! I had painted the living room in my Mom's house Behr Billowy Down and fell in love with it, so that was the color I chose to paint my bedroom!

Painting the Kitchen Cabinets: Part 2

In my last post, Kitchen Makeover Part 1, we painted the oak cabinets that had come in the house when my parent’s purchased it {well only the bottom cabinets}. We just finished painting  the top cabinets and a few things have changed in the process. In the first post I had said that priming was not necessary, and technically it’s not. However, after many many coats of paint, I decided to go out and buy primer for the cabinets and it changed my world! Instead of painting 5 coats, I painted two coats of primer and 1 {sometimes 2} coats of the Behr Ultra Premium Ultra Pure White Satin Paint on the top! The cabinets were done in half the time it took me to paint the bottom cabinets and they even looked better! I also skipped the sanding process once I decided to get the primer and the paint is holding up great! 

5 Beautiful Kitchens

I am the kind of person who can never make a decision... We recently repainted my mom's kitchen cabinets, and it made a huge difference in the kitchen! However, I'm not satisfied and I am considering adding a little extra love to the kitchen. After looking for inspiration, I found these kitchens that I love! check them out!

Night Stand Transformation

5 Beautifully Blue Kitchens

DIY Floral Wall Art and Frame Wall

After completing the hallway makeover, I began a new project of updating some of the wall decor in the Breckinridge house. I had been looking through Pinterest and became inspired by all of the navy, aqua, coral color schemes I had seen and decided that it was just what the Breckinridge house needed. Since pretty much all the updates I had made to the home consisted of zero color, the house was looking quite boring. A pop of color is exactly what it needed.

Painting the Kitchen Cabinets: Part 1

I recently started yet another project at my parent’s house. This one I am super excited about and have been wanting to tackle for a while… THE KITCHEN CABINETS! While some people may enjoy the look of oak cabinets, my mom and I do not. I’m glad we were both on the same page about wanting to see them gone. Like many other rooms in the house, the cabinets were giving off that dreaded orange tint, which made the room look small and yellow. Long story short, they had to go.

DIY Wood Letter Wall Decor and The Upstairs Hallway & Banister Makeover

One of the projects in My parent's house that, had been sitting somewhat finished for a while now and, looked like it would never be completed, was the upstairs hallway/staircase. I had tested a few paint colors a while back, so there were a bunch of random colors all over the walls, and it was as if the stairway had been staring at me ever since I tested those colors, begging to be completely painted. It was really just the staircase walls that needed some loving since I had already painted the upstairs hallway Behr Billowy Down when I painted the living room. Another thing making the staircase/hallway look so awful was the fact that I had painted the banisters in the entry room a few weeks ago and they looked so amazing painted white {not to mention made the world's biggest impact on the style of the top,} that looking at the hideous oak banister in the upstairs staircase and hallway made me cringe and want to cry every time I walked by. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that the staircase is located in the living room, so it was inevitable that I would see it whenever I went over to hang out and watch tv. There was no avoiding the ugly mess I had made. Therefore, I decided it was time to tackle the tall staircase and dark hallway and transform it from drab to fab! 
Here is a before picture of the staircase. As you can see there was a hogepoge of color going on and a disgusting oak banister that needed to go!

DIY Coral & Navy Floral Wall Decor

I had been trying to find something to fill the two frames hanging in the living room for about 4 months with no photos in them. I finally decided to go ahead and create something to put in them. I really wanted to incorporate coral and navy into the color scheme in the house and decided those would be the colors I would go with. I had been searching Pinterest for inspiration and found a few things I thought I would try to recreate in a way. 

Choosing The Perfect Paint Color For the Living Room

Now that the Kitchen is complete, it’s time to move on to the next project, the Living Room.  Trying to decide the paint color had been challenging because I’m unsure whether or not to bring some color into the rooms with the wall color or just to keep the walls simple and add the color via furniture and accessories. So far all the colors we have chosen for the house are very cohesive.
paint colors

Guest Bathroom Update

After making over my moms middle floor half bath, I decided to tackle another one of the bathrooms in her house. The walls and the ceiling were painted with a orange beige color which made the room look small and gave off a nasty yellow light.I decided to paint the walls and the ceiling white to make the bathroom feel larger and to eliminate the awful yellow lighting. I also painted the baseboards and molding with a fresh coat of paint.

Powder Room Update

When my parents moved into the townhouse they live in now, the house was in decent condition. There were just things here and there that desperately needed a makeover. The one room in the house that I felt needed it the most was the powder room on the middle floor. Not only was the room reflecting a hideous shade of orange from the paint the previous owners had chosen, but it also was very dingy and dirty.
I decided to make this bathroom my latest project and give it a complete {and much needed} face lift!

Hutch Makeover

I'm really excited to share my most recent project with you mainly because I'm so incredibly pleased with the end result!!

A friend of mine brought me home this hutch from work the other day. He got it for free his work, which happens every now and then when someone wants only part of the piece of furniture he sometimes is allowed to take the unwanted piece home for free. So when he called and asked if I wanted a hutch for on top of my desk I said "yes! I can use it for something." 

DIY Monogram Thumback Art

Now I know, I haven't shown you guys everything else that was part of my bedroom makeover yet, but I recently worked on a project I really wanted to share! Monogram Thumbtack Art!!

I was really excited before starting this project, because I had seen similar concepts on Pinterest and always thought it looked really cool. In fact, I'm not really sure what stopped me from making the move toward making it. Finally the other day I just decided to go for it & let me say, I am so pleased with how it turned out!! Here is how I made my "L" Monogram Thumbtack Art...